Sunday, July 11, 2004

Something About Me As a Gamer

Its my destiny to become someone renowned in the gaming circles. Like a tortoise slowly but steadily I am moving towards my destination.

I nearly wasted my first year of college in playing games. Then I realized better part of it. And decided to become a game developer. In my four years of college education I gained ten years of development experience :). Even before receiving my computer science degree I had developed dozens of (those were waste) games with few good DirectX games. Since last one year I am developing J2ME mobile games.

Earlier, I used to play games for more than 16 hours a day (shocked???). I played everything from Pacman to "Prince of Persia - 3D" to Quake and there are so many. Now it seems like a eon ago. I barely gets any time to play them. But I spend a great deal on developing them.

If I had people with me in college. Who got taste for developing games. Today I be having my own game company. But I couldn't found any.



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